March 25, 2015

A fun day of Soap Making!

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March 24, 2015

Cameron’s Coffee!

This last fall I toured Cameron’s Coffee, of course I brought my camera! There are several reasons this company is noteworthy… besides the delicious coffee they roast! They are working on a k-cup design that is less impactful to the environment AND it’s a LOCAL company!

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June 20, 2014

Wedding in Lutsen, MN! Sneak-Peek 07Jun14

I had such an incredible time with these too! Fun story… As my fellow photographers know — rain is our worst enemy on an outdoor shoot! It had been raining ALL morning — and I’m not talking drizzling… I wasn’t sure who was more freaked out — the bride or me!! The ceremony was scheduled at 5:00 — we began group shots at 3:00… Right around 4:00 the clouds started to break and the sun was shinning by five! Cheers Alicia & Jason!


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June 4, 2014

Working on a new series…

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Maui, Hawaii                                                                     San Fransisco, California


I have the opportunity to travel wherever, whenever my little heart desires. I wanted to create a series with it — Something that combines these places together (without being too cliche). SO I’ve taken interest in graffiti signs… Do I have something here?

September 4, 2013

Guzman-Teipel Wedding!

I was honored to be able to shoot this wedding — I took a much more creative approach editing these images and they turned out exactly how visualized. Here are a few of my favs!




September 11, 2012

“Requiem to Form”

Thank you everyone who came out to support my first show! Most importantly thank you Laurlhurst Museum Quality Framing and Autumn for all of your help and the opportunity to hang at your location.




August 30, 2012

Shots for Architecture!

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August 14, 2012

“Requiem to Form” Exhibition

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My very first showing!

September 7, 2012


August 14, 2012

Fun with Kat, working with a designer to create a campaign for Pitbulls

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This was a really fun project we did for Digital Art Direction, collaboration of photographers & art directors..

August 14, 2012

Baby Mini ©anacaramirezphotography