Archive for July, 2012

July 26, 2012

Mixology July 14, 2012 @trinitynightclub

A fellow photographer invited me to this , where she was showcasing her work… Needless to say it was a blast, a fantastic collaboration of raw artist!



July 17, 2012

E-Portfolio Class

I’m taking this class my very last quarter, which should help except as a photographer in my last quarter… I already have my graphic designer (who I love) doing all my branding… 

Either way I have to do the work to get the grade, here is a very mocked up logo and website (and I mean very mocked up, because I’M NOT A GRAPHIC DESIGNER/ WEB DESIGNER!



Happy Tuesday,


July 12, 2012

Inspiring Photographer

Today for some good ol’ inspiration I looked at Adrian Sanchez-Gonzales. His series “Mexico Memory” has a wonderful use of movement, color, and design. There’s one image where a group of people are dancing and he choose to freeze the couple in the middle, the expression on their faces makes this image. It reminds me of my abuelita (grandmother) she always has such a hard face in all of the photographs my dad has shown me. I love how another artists work can bring you back to certain memories. 

Image. “Adrian Sanchez-Gonzales Photography.” . N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Jul 2012. <;.

July 11, 2012

Scouting dream living area

It has always been a dream of mine to have a live in studio. There are a couple artist lofts in Saint Paul that a friend and I checked out. The area is incredible, farmers market and light rail under a block away and a constant surrounding of other artist! Could it get any better? Oh! Hiking, biking, and snowshoe trails within 10 miles.. The river for kayaking.. Would be perfect.











July 10, 2012

Galleries to visit!

Seattle Art Museums
The Burke Museum
EMP Experience Music Project
Frye Art Museum
Henry Art Gallery
Nordic Heritage Museum
Seattle Art Museum
Seattle Museum of History & Industry
Western Bridge
Wing Luke Asian Museum
Bellevue Arts Museum

This is a list of galleries in Seattle I pulled off of… My goal is to visit and blog about each visit.